Publications for Kerstin Johansson


1 Antonsson M, Johansson K, Dalemo AB, Axelsson CI, Burge A, Lesueur U, Hartelius L. Effect of expiratory muscle strength training on voice and speech: An exploratory study in persons with Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY 2024 26:4 475-492
2 Dalum J, Skott P, Akesson E, Persson E, Karlsson A, Habel H, Seiger A, Mcallister A, Johansson K, Sandborgh-Englund G. Effect of Oral Screen Training After Stroke-A Randomised Controlled Trial. GERODONTOLOGY 2024 :
3 Skott P, Akesson E, Johansson K, Dalum J, Persson E, Karlsson A, Seiger A, Mcallister A, Sandborgh-Englund G. Orofacial dysfunction after stroke-A multidisciplinary approach. GERODONTOLOGY 2024 41:3 376-384
4 Lindroos E, Johansson K. Free from Dysphagia? A Test Battery to Differentiate Between Mild and No Dysphagia. DYSPHAGIA 2022 37:3 501-509
5 Johansson K, Schalling E, Hartelius L. Self-Reported Changes in Cognition, Communication and Swallowing in Multiple Sclerosis: Data from the Swedish Multiple Sclerosis Registry and from a National Survey. Folia phoniatrica et logopaedica : official organ of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP) 2021 73:1 50-62
6 Lohmander A, Klinto K, Schalling E, Portela AS, Johansson K, McAllister A. Students take charge of Learning - Using e-learning in Perceptual Assessment in Speech-Language Pathology. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 2021 65:3 468-480
7 Karlsson F, Schalling E, Laakso K, Johansson K, Hartelius L. Assessment of speech impairment in patients with Parkinson's disease from acoustic quantifications of oral diadochokinetic sequences. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2020 147:2 839-
8 Johansson K, Seiger Å, Forsén M, Holmgren Nilsson J, Hartelius L, Schalling E. Assessment of voice, speech and communication changes associated with cervical spinal cord injury. International journal of language & communication disorders 2018 53:4 761-775
9 Johansson K, Strömbergsson S, Robieux C, McAllister A. Perceptual Detection of Subtle Dysphonic Traits in Individuals with Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Using an Audience Response Systems Approach. Journal of voice : official journal of the Voice Foundation 2017 31:1 126.e7-126.e17
10 Schalling E, Johansson K, Hartelius L. Speech and Communication Changes Reported by People with Parkinson's Disease. Folia phoniatrica et logopaedica : official organ of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP) 2017 69:3 131-141
11 Johansson KM, Nygren-Bonnier M, Schalling E. Effects of glossopharyngeal breathing on speech and respiration in multiple sclerosis: a case report. Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England) 2012 18:6 905-8
12 Johansson KM, Kjellmer L, Schalling E, Hartelius L, Fredrikson S. "I Can Walk Briskly and Talk at the Same Time": Effects of Expiratory Muscle Strength Training on Respiration and Speech in Multiple Sclerosis. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY 2012 20:4 70-76

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13 Holmqvist LW, von Koch L, Kostulas V, Holm M, Widsell G, Tegler H, Johansson K, Almazan J, de Pedro-Cuesta J. A randomized controlled trial of rehabilitation at home after stroke in southwest Stockholm. STROKE 1998 29:3 591-7


1 Vogel AP, Keage MJ, Johansson K, Schalling E. Treatment for dysphagia (swallowing difficulties) in hereditary ataxia. COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS 2015 :11 CD010169-


1 Holmqvist LW, von Koch L, Kostulas V, Holm M, Widsell G, Tegler H, Johansson K, Almazan J, de Pedro-Cuesta J. Trials of community rehabilitation need to be of adequate sample size -: Response. STROKE 1998 29:8 1738-1739

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