Publications for David Nelson


1 Kiwanuka O, Lassarén P, Fletcher-Sandersjöö A, Tatter C, Tjerkaski J, Nelson DW, Thelin EP. ASA score is an independent predictor of 1-year outcome after moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury. Scandinavian journal of trauma, resuscitation and emergency medicine 2025 33:1 25-

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2 Soltani N, Häbel H, Balintescu A, Lind M, Grip J, Thobaben R, Nelson D, Mårtensson J. Insulin requirement trajectories during COVID-19 versus non-COVID-19 critical illness-A retrospective cohort study. Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 2025 69:1 e14536-

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3 Bhattacharyay S, van Leeuwen FD, Beqiri E, Åkerlund CAI, Wilson L, Steyerberg EW, Nelson DW, Maas AIR, Menon DK, Ercole A, CENTER-TBI investigators and participants. TILTomorrow today: dynamic factors predicting changes in intracranial pressure treatment intensity after traumatic brain injury. Scientific reports 2025 15:1 95-

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4 Fletcher-Sandersjöö A, Svedung Wettervik T, Tatter C, Tjerkaski J, Nelson DW, Maegele M, Svensson M, Lewén A, Enblad P, Bellander BM, Thelin EP. Absolute Contusion Expansion Is Superior to Relative Expansion in Predicting Traumatic Brain Injury Outcomes: A Multi-Center Observational Cohort Study. Journal of neurotrauma 2024 41:5-6 705-713

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5 Åkerlund CAI, Holst A, Bhattacharyay S, Stocchetti N, Steyerberg E, Smielewski P, Menon DK, Ercole A, Nelson DW, CENTER-TBI participants and investigators. Clinical descriptors of disease trajectories in patients with traumatic brain injury in the intensive care unit (CENTER-TBI): a multicentre observational cohort study. The Lancet. Neurology 2024 23:1 71-80

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6 Hong E, Froese L, Pontén E, Fletcher-Sandersjöö A, Tatter C, Hammarlund E, Åkerlund CAI, Tjerkaski J, Alpkvist P, Bartek J, Raj R, Lindblad C, Nelson DW, Zeiler FA, Thelin EP. Critical thresholds of long-pressure reactivity index and impact of intracranial pressure monitoring methods in traumatic brain injury. Critical care (London, England) 2024 28:1 256-

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7 Bhattacharyay S, Beqiri E, Zuercher P, Wilson L, Steyerberg EW, Nelson DW, Maas AIR, Menon DK, Ercole A. Therapy Intensity Level Scale for Traumatic Brain Injury: Clinimetric Assessment on Neuro-Monitored Patients Across 52 European Intensive Care Units. Journal of neurotrauma 2024 41:7-8 887-909

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8 Fletcher-Sandersjoo A, Lewen A, Hanell A, Nelson DW, Maegele M, Svensson M, Bellander BM, Enblad P, Thelin EP, Wettervik TS. Volumetric Assessment of Traumatic Intracranial Hematomas: Is ABC/2 Reliable?. JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA 2024 41:23-24 2545-2553

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9 Bhattacharyay S, Caruso PF, Åkerlund C, Wilson L, Stevens RD, Menon DK, Steyerberg EW, Nelson DW, Ercole A, CENTER-TBI investigators and participants. Mining the contribution of intensive care clinical course to outcome after traumatic brain injury. NPJ digital medicine 2023 6:1 154-

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10 Froese L, Hammarlund E, Åkerlund CAI, Tjerkaski J, Hong E, Lindblad C, Nelson DW, Thelin EP, Zeiler FA. The impact of sedative and vasopressor agents on cerebrovascular reactivity in severe traumatic brain injury. Intensive care medicine experimental 2023 11:1 54-

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11 Fletcher-Sandersjöö A, Tatter C, Tjerkaski J, Bartek J, Maegele M, Nelson DW, Svensson M, Thelin EP, Bellander BM. Time Course and Clinical Significance of Hematoma Expansion in Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: An Observational Cohort Study. Neurocritical care 2023 38:1 60-70

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12 Lin IH, Kamnaksh A, Aniceto R, McCullough J, Bekdash R, Eklund M, Ghatan PH, Risling M, Svensson M, Bellander BM, Nelson DW, Thelin EP, Agoston DV. Time-Dependent Changes in the Biofluid Levels of Neural Injury Markers in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Patients-Cerebrospinal Fluid and Cerebral Microdialysates: A Longitudinal Prospective Pilot Study. Neurotrauma reports 2023 4:1 107-117

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13 Cacciani N, Skärlén Å, Wen Y, Zhang X, Addinsall AB, Llano-Diez M, Li M, Gransberg L, Hedström Y, Bellander BM, Nelson D, Bergquist J, Larsson L. A prospective clinical study on the mechanisms underlying critical illness myopathy-A time-course approach. Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle 2022 13:6 2669-2682

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14 Åkerlund CAI, Holst A, Stocchetti N, Steyerberg EW, Menon DK, Ercole A, Nelson DW, CENTER-TBI Participants and Investigators. Clustering identifies endotypes of traumatic brain injury in an intensive care cohort: a CENTER-TBI study. Critical care (London, England) 2022 26:1 228-

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15 Volovici V, Pisică D, Gravesteijn BY, Dirven CMF, Steyerberg EW, Ercole A, Stocchetti N, Nelson D, Menon DK, Citerio G, van der Jagt M, Maas AIR, Haitsma IK, Lingsma HF, CENTER-TBI investigators participants for the ICU stratum. Comparative effectiveness of intracranial hypertension management guided by ventricular versus intraparenchymal pressure monitoring: a CENTER-TBI study. Acta neurochirurgica 2022 164:7 1693-1705

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16 Raj R, Wennervirta JM, Tjerkaski J, Luoto TM, Posti JP, Nelson DW, Takala R, Bendel S, Thelin EP, Luostarinen T, Korja M. Dynamic prediction of mortality after traumatic brain injury using a machine learning algorithm. NPJ digital medicine 2022 5:1 96-

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17 Russo G, Harrois A, Anstey J, van der Jagt M, Taccone F, Udy A, Citerio G, Duranteau J, Ichai C, Badenes R, Prowle J, Ercole A, Oddo M, Schneider A, Wolf S, Helbok R, Nelson D, Cooper J, TBI Collaborative Investigators. Early sedation in traumatic brain injury: a multicentre international observational study. CRITICAL CARE AND RESUSCITATION 2022 24:4 319-329

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18 Tjerkaski J, Nyström H, Raj R, Lindblad C, Bellander BM, Nelson DW, Thelin EP. Extended Analysis of Axonal Injuries Detected Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Critically Ill Traumatic Brain Injury Patients. Journal of neurotrauma 2022 39:1-2 58-66

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19 Mele A, Cerminara E, Häbel H, Rodriguez-Galvez B, Oldner A, Nelson D, Gårdh J, Thobaben R, Jonmarker S, Cronhjort M, Hollenberg J, Mårtensson J. Fluid accumulation and major adverse kidney events in sepsis: a multicenter observational study. Annals of intensive care 2022 12:1 62-

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20 van der Vlegel M, Mikolić A, Lee Hee Q, Kaplan ZLR, Retel Helmrich IRA, van Veen E, Andelic N, Steinbuechel NV, Plass AM, Zeldovich M, Wilson L, Maas AIR, Haagsma JA, Polinder S, CENTER-TBI Participants and Investigators. Health care utilization and outcomes in older adults after Traumatic Brain Injury: A CENTER-TBI study. Injury 2022 53:8 2774-2782

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21 Nelson DW, Granberg T, Andersen P, Jokhadar E, Kåhlin J, Granström A, Hallinder H, Schening A, Thunborg C, Walles H, Hagman G, Shams-Latifi R, Yu J, Petersson S, Tzortzakakis A, Levak N, Aspö M, Piehl F, Zetterberg H, Kivipelto M, Eriksson LI. The Karolinska NeuroCOVID study protocol: Neurocognitive impairment, biomarkers and advanced imaging in critical care survivors. Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 2022 66:6 759-766

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22 Bhattacharyay S, Milosevic I, Wilson L, Menon DK, Stevens RD, Steyerberg EW, Nelson DW, Ercole A, CENTER-TBI investigators participants. The leap to ordinal: Detailed functional prognosis after traumatic brain injury with a flexible modelling approach. PloS one 2022 17:7 e0270973-

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23 Maas AIR, Menon DK, Manley GT, Abrams M, Åkerlund C, Andelic N, Aries M, Bashford T, Bell MJ, Bodien YG, Brett BL, Büki A, Chesnut RM, Citerio G, Clark D, Clasby B, Cooper DJ, Czeiter E, Czosnyka M, Dams-O'Connor K, De Keyser V, Diaz-Arrastia R, Ercole A, van Essen TA, Falvey É, Ferguson AR, Figaji A, Fitzgerald M, Foreman B, Gantner D, Gao G, Giacino J, Gravesteijn B, Guiza F, Gupta D, Gurnell M, Haagsma JA, Hammond FM, Hawryluk G, Hutchinson P, van der Jagt M, Jain S, Jain S, Jiang JY, Kent H, Kolias A, Kompanje EJO, Lecky F, Lingsma HF, Maegele M, Majdan M, Markowitz A, McCrea M, Meyfroidt G, Mikolić A, Mondello S, Mukherjee P, Nelson D, Nelson LD, Newcombe V, Okonkwo D, Orešič M, Peul W, Pisică D, Polinder S, Ponsford J, Puybasset L, Raj R, Robba C, Røe C, Rosand J, Schueler P, Sharp DJ, Smielewski P, Stein MB, von Steinbüchel N, Stewart W, Steyerberg EW, Stocchetti N, Temkin N, Tenovuo O, Theadom A, Thomas I, Espin AT, Turgeon AF, Unterberg A, Van Praag D, van Veen E, Verheyden J, Vyvere TV, Wang KKW, Wiegers EJA, Williams WH, Wilson L, Wisniewski SR, Younsi A, Yue JK, Yuh EL, Zeiler FA, Zeldovich M, Zemek R, InTBIR Participants and Investigators. Traumatic brain injury: progress and challenges in prevention, clinical care, and research. The Lancet. Neurology 2022 21:11 1004-1060

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24 Bådholm M, Blixt J, Glimåker M, Ternhag A, Hedlund J, Nelson DW. Cerebrospinal fluid cell count variability is a major confounding factor in external ventricular drain-associated infection surveillance diagnostics: a prospective observational study. Critical care (London, England) 2021 25:1 291-

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25 Zeiler FA, Ercole A, Cabeleira M, Stocchetti N, Hutchinson PJ, Smielewski P, Czosnyka M, Anke A, Beer R, Bellander BM, Beqiri E, Buki A, Carbonara M, Chieregato A, Citerio G, Clusmann H, Czeiter E, Depreitere B, Frisvold S, Helbok R, Jankowski S, Kondziella D, Koskinen LO, Kowark A, Menon DK, Meyfroidt G, Moeller K, Nelson D, Piippo-Karjalainen A, Radoi A, Ragauskas A, Raj R, Rhodes J, Rocka S, Rossaint R, Sahuquillo J, Sakowitz O, Sundstrom N, Takala R, Tamosuitis T, Tenovuo O, Vajkoczy P, Vargiolu A, Vilcinis R, Wolf S, Younsi A, CENTER-TBI High Resolution Hr Icu. Descriptive analysis of low versus elevated intracranial pressure on cerebral physiology in adult traumatic brain injury: a CENTER-TBI exploratory study. ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA 2021 163:2 2695-2706

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26 Ercole A, Dixit A, Nelson DW, Bhattacharyay S, Zeiler FA, Nieboer D, Bouamra O, Menon DK, Maas AIR, Dijkland SA, Lingsma HF, Wilson L, Lecky F, Steyerberg EW, CENTER-TBI Investigators and Participants. Imputation strategies for missing baseline neurological assessment covariates after traumatic brain injury: A CENTER-TBI study. PloS one 2021 16:8 e0253425-

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27 Ullman J, Karling J, Bark R, Nelson D, Wanecek M, Margolin G. Navigation system for percutaneous tracheotomy. ACTA OTO-LARYNGOLOGICA 2021 141:10 953-959

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28 Eriksson J, Nelson D, Holst A, Hellgren E, Friman O, Oldner A. Temporal patterns of organ dysfunction after severe trauma. Critical care (London, England) 2021 25:1 165-

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29 Huijben JA, Dixit A, Stocchetti N, Maas AIR, Lingsma HF, van der Jagt M, Nelson D, Citerio G, Wilson L, Menon DK, Ercole A, CENTER-TBI investigators and participants. Use and impact of high intensity treatments in patients with traumatic brain injury across Europe: a CENTER-TBI analysis. Critical care (London, England) 2021 25:1 78-

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30 Harrois A, Anstey JR, van der Jagt M, Taccone FS, Udy AA, Citerio G, Duranteau J, Ichai C, Badenes R, Prowle JR, Ercole A, Oddo M, Schneider A, Wolf S, Helbok R, Nelson DW, Cooper DJ, Bellomo R, TBI Collaborative. Variability in Serum Sodium Concentration and Prognostic Significance in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Multicenter Observational Study. NEUROCRITICAL CARE 2021 34:3 899-907

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31 Zeiler FA, Ercole A, Beqiri E, Cabeleira M, Thelin EP, Stocchetti N, Steyerberg EW, Maas AIR, Menon DK, Czosnyka M, Smielewski P, Anke A, Beer R, Helbok R, Bellander BM, Nelson D, Buki A, Chevallard G, Chieregato A, Citerio G, Czeiter E, Depreitere B, Eapen G, Frisvold S, Jankowski S, Kondziella D, Koskinen LO, Meyfroidt G, Moeller K, Piippo-Karjalainen A, Raj R, Radoi A, Sahuquillo J, Ragauskas A, Rocka S, Rhodes J, Rossaint R, Stevanovic A, Sakowitz O, Sundstrom N, Takala R, Tamosuitis T, Tenovuo O, Vajkoczy P, Vargiolu A, Vilcinis R, Wolf S, Younsi A, CTR-TBI High Resolution ICU HR ICU. Association between Cerebrovascular Reactivity Monitoring and Mortality Is Preserved When Adjusting for Baseline Admission Characteristics in Adult Traumatic Brain Injury: A CENTER-TBI Study. JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA 2020 37:10 1233-1241

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32 Huijben JA, Wiegers EJA, Lingsma HF, Citerio G, Maas AIR, Menon DK, Ercole A, Nelson D, van der Jagt M, Steyerberg EW, Helbok R, Lecky F, Peul W, Birg T, Zoerle T, Carbonara M, Stocchetti N, CENTER-TBI investigators and participants. Changing care pathways and between-center practice variations in intensive care for traumatic brain injury across Europe: a CENTER-TBI analysis. Intensive care medicine 2020 46:5 995-1004

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33 Thelin EP, Raj R, Bellander BM, Nelson D, Piippo-Karjalainen A, Siironen J, Tanskanen P, Hawryluk G, Hasen M, Unger B, Zeiler FA. Comparison of high versus low frequency cerebral physiology for cerebrovascular reactivity assessment in traumatic brain injury: a multi-center pilot study. Journal of clinical monitoring and computing 2020 34:5 971-994

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34 Grevfors N, Lindblad C, Nelson DW, Svensson M, Thelin EP, Rubenson Wahlin R. Delayed Neurosurgical Intervention in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients Referred From Primary Hospitals Is Not Associated With an Unfavorable Outcome. Frontiers in neurology 2020 11: 610192-

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35 Ercole A, Brinck V, George P, Hicks R, Huijben J, Jarrett M, Vassar M, Wilson L, DAQCORD collaborators. Guidelines for Data Acquisition, Quality and Curation for Observational Research Designs (DAQCORD). Journal of clinical and translational science 2020 4:4 354-359

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36 Åkerlund CA, Donnelly J, Zeiler FA, Helbok R, Holst A, Cabeleira M, Güiza F, Meyfroidt G, Czosnyka M, Smielewski P, Stocchetti N, Ercole A, Nelson DW, CENTER-TBI High Resolution ICU Sub-Study Participants and Investigators. Impact of duration and magnitude of raised intracranial pressure on outcome after severe traumatic brain injury: A CENTER-TBI high-resolution group study. PloS one 2020 15:12 e0243427-

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37 Lindblad C, Nelson DW, Zeiler FA, Ercole A, Ghatan PH, von Horn H, Risling M, Svensson M, Agoston DV, Bellander BM, Thelin EP. Influence of Blood-Brain Barrier Integrity on Brain Protein Biomarker Clearance in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Longitudinal Prospective Study. Journal of neurotrauma 2020 37:12 1381-1391

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38 van Wijk RPJ, van Dijck JTJM, Timmers M, van Veen E, Citerio G, Lingsma HF, Maas AIR, Menon DK, Peul WC, Stocchetti N, Kompanje EJO, Akerlund C, Amrein K, Andelic N, Andreassen L, Anke A, Antoni A, Audibert G, Azouvi P, Azzolini ML, Bartels R, Barzo P, Beauvais R, Beer R, Bellander BM, Belli A, Benali H, Berardino M, Beretta L, Blaabjerg M, Bragge P, Brazinova A, Brinck V, Brooker J, Brorsson C, Buki A, Bullinger M, Cabeleira M, Caccioppola A, Calappi E, Calvi MR, Cameron P, Lozano GC, Carbonara M, Cavallo S, Chevallard G, Chieregato A, Ceyisakar I, Coburn M, Coles J, Cooper JD, Correia M, Covic A, Curry N, Czeiter E, Czosnyka M, Dahyot-Fizelier C, Dark P, Dawes H, De Keyser V, Degos V, Della Corte F, den Boogert H, Depreitere B, Dilvesi D, Dixit A, Donoghue E, Dreier J, Duliere GL, Ercole A, Esser P, Ezer E, Fabricius M, Feigin VL, Foks K, Frisvold S, Furmanov A, Gagliardo P, Galanaud D, Gantner D, Gao GY, George P, Ghuysen A, Giga L, Glocker B, Golubovic J, Gomez PA, Gratz J, Gravesteijn B, Grossi F, Gruen RL, Gupta D, Haagsma JA, Haitsma I, Helbok R, Helseth E, Horton L, Huijben J, Hutchinson PJ, Jacobs B, Jankowski S, Jarrett M, Jiang JY, Johnson F, Jones K, Karan M, Kolias AG, Kompanje E, Kondziella D, Koraropoulos E, Koskinen LO, Kovacs N, Kowark A, Lagares A, Lanyon L, Laureys S, Lecky F, Ledoux D, Lefering R, Legrand V, Lejeune A, Levi L, Lightfoot R, Lingsma H, Castano-Leon AM, Maegele M, Majdan M, Manara A, Manley G, Martino C, Marechal H, Mattern J, McMahon C, Melegh B, Menon D, Menovsky T, Misset B, Mulazzi D, Muraleedharan V, Murray L, Negru A, Nelson D, Newcombe V, Nieboer D, Nyiradi J, Olubukola O, Oresic M, Ortolano F, Palotie A, Parizel PM, Payen JF, Perera N, Perlbarg V, Persona P, Peul W, Piippo-Karjalainen A, Pirinen M, Ples H, Polinder S, Pomposo I, Posti JP, Puybasset L, Radoi A, Ragauskas A, Raj R, Rambadagalla M, Rhodes J, Richardson S, Richter S, Ripatti S, Rocka S, Roe C, Roise O, Rosand J, Rosenfeld JV, Rosenlund C, Rosenthal G, Rossaint R, Rossi S, Rueckert D, Rusnak M, Sahuquillo J, Sakowitz O, Sanchez-Porras R, Sandor J, Schafer N, Schmidt S, Schoechl H, Schoonman G, Schou RF, Schwendenwein E, Sewalt C, Skandsen T, Smielewski P, Sorinola A, Stamatakis E, Stanworth S, Stevens R, Stewart W, Steyerberg EW, Sundstrom N, Synnot A, Takala R, Tamas V, Tamosuitis T, Taylor MS, Te Ao B, Tenovuo O, Theadom A, Thomas M, Tibboel D, Tolias C, Trapani T, Tudora CM, Vajkoczy P, Vallance S, Valeinis E, Vamos Z, Van der Steen G, van der Naalt J, van Essen TA, Van Hecke W, van Heugten C, Van Praag D, Vande Vyvere T, Vargiolu A, Vega E, Velt K, Verheyden J, Vespa PM, Vik A, Vilcinis R, Volovici V, von Steinbuchel N, Voormolen D, Vulekovic P, Wang KKW, Wiegers E, Williams G, Wilson L, Winzeck S, Wolf S, Yang ZH, Ylen P, Younsi A, Zeiler FA, Zelinkova V, Ziverte A, Zoerle T, CENTER-TB1 Investigators. Informed consent procedures in patients with an acute inability to provide informed consent: Policy and practice in the CENTER-TBI study. JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE 2020 59: 6-15

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39 Gravesteijn BY, Nieboer D, Ercole A, Lingsma HF, Nelson D, van Calster B, Steyerberg EW, CENTER-TBI collaborators. Machine learning algorithms performed no better than regression models for prognostication in traumatic brain injury. Journal of clinical epidemiology 2020 122: 95-107

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40 Gravesteijn BY, Sewalt CA, Ercole A, Akerlund C, Nelson D, Maas AIR, Menon D, Lingsma HF, Steyerberg EW, Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research for Traumatic Brain Injury Collaborators. Toward a New Multi-Dimensional Classification of Traumatic Brain Injury: A Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research for Traumatic Brain Injury Study. Journal of neurotrauma 2020 37:7 1002-1010

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41 Thelin E, Al Nimer F, Frostell A, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Nystrom H, Svensson M, Bellander BM, Piehl F, Nelson DW. A Serum Protein Biomarker Panel Improves Outcome Prediction in Human Traumatic Brain Injury. JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA 2019 36:20 2850-2862

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42 Steyerberg EW, Wiegers E, Sewalt C, Buki A, Citerio G, De Keyser V, Ercole A, Kunzmann K, Lanyon L, Lecky F, Lingsma H, Manley G, Nelson D, Peul W, Stocchetti N, von Steinbuchel N, Vande Vyvere T, Verheyden J, Wilson L, Maas AIR, Menon DK, CENTER-TBI Participants Investigat. Case-mix, care pathways, and outcomes in patients with traumatic brain injury in CENTER-TBI: a European prospective, multicentre, longitudinal, cohort study. LANCET NEUROLOGY 2019 18:10 923-934

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43 Zeiler FA, Ercole A, Beqiri E, Cabeleira M, Aries M, Zoerle T, Carbonara M, Stocchetti N, Smielewski P, Czosnyka M, Menon DK, Anke A, Beer R, Bellander BM, Buki A, Chevallard G, Chieregato A, Citerio G, Czeiter E, Depreitere B, Eapen G, Frisvold S, Helbok R, Jankowski S, Kondziella D, Koskinen LO, Meyfroidt G, Moeller K, Nelson D, Piippo-Karjalainen A, Radoi A, Ragauskas A, Raj R, Rhodes J, Rocka S, Rossaint R, Sahuquillo J, Sakowitz O, Stevanovic A, Sundstrom N, Takala R, Tamosuitis T, Tenovuo O, Vajkoczy P, Vargiolu A, Vilcinis R, Wolf S, Younsi A, CENTER-TBI High Resolution ICU. Cerebrovascular reactivity is not associated with therapeutic intensity in adult traumatic brain injury: a CENTER-TBI analysis. ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA 2019 161:9 1955-1964

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44 Zeiler FA, Ercole A, Cabeleira M, Carbonara M, Stocchetti N, Menon DK, Smielewski P, Czosnyka M, Anke A, Beer R, Bellander BM, Buki A, Chevallard G, Chieregato A, Citerio G, Czeiter E, Depreitere B, Eapen G, Frisvold S, Helbok R, Jankowski S, Kondziella D, Koskinen LO, Meyfroidt G, Moeller K, Nelson D, Piippo-Karjalainen A, Radoi A, Ragauskas A, Raj R, Rhodes J, Rocka S, Rossaint R, Sahuquillo J, Sakowitz O, Stevanovic A, Sundstrom N, Takala R, Tamosuitis T, Tenovuo O, Vajkoczy P, Vargiolu A, Vilcinis R, Wolf S, Younsi A, CENTER-TBI High Resolution HR ICU. Comparison of Performance of Different Optimal Cerebral Perfusion Pressure Parameters for Outcome Prediction in Adult Traumatic Brain Injury: A Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) Study. JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA 2019 36:10 1505-1517

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45 Zeiler FA, Ercole A, Cabeleira M, Beqiri E, Zoerle T, Carbonara M, Stocchetti N, Menon DK, Smielewski P, Czosnyka M, Anke A, Beer R, Bellander BM, Buki A, Chevallard G, Chieregato A, Citerio G, Czeiter E, Depreitere B, Eapen G, Frisvold S, Helbok R, Jankowski S, Kondziella D, Koskinen LO, Meyfroidt G, Moeller K, Nelson D, Piippo-Karjalainen A, Radoi A, Ragauskas A, Raj R, Rhodes J, Rocka S, Rossaint R, Sahuquillo J, Sakowitz O, Stevanovic A, Sundstrom N, Takala R, Tamosuitis T, Tenovuo O, Vajkoczy P, Vargiolu A, Vilcinis R, Wolf S, Younsi A, CTR-TBI High Resolution ICU. Compensatory-reserve-weighted intracranial pressure versus intracranial pressure for outcome association in adult traumatic brain injury: a CENTER-TBI validation study. ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA 2019 161:7 1275-1284

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46 Huijben JA, Wiegers EJA, Keizer NF, Maas AIR, Menon D, Ercole A, Citerio G, Lecky F, Wilson L, Cnossen MC, Polinder S, Steyerberg EW, Jagt MD, Lingsma HF, Aries M, Badenes R, Beishuizen A, Bilotta F, Chieregato A, Cingolani E, Cnossen M, Coburn M, Coles JP, Delargy M, Depreitere B, Flaatten H, Golyk V, Grauwmeijer E, Haitsma I, Helbok R, Hoedemaekers C, Jacobs B, Jellema K, Koskinen LOD, Maegele M, Delgado MCM, Moller K, Moreno R, Nelson D, Oldenbeuving AW, Payen JF, Pejakovic J, Ribbbers GM, Rossaint R, Schoonman GG, Steiner LA, Stocchetti N, Silvio F, Takala R, Tenovuo O, Valeinis E, van den Bergh WM, van Essen T, van Leeuwen N, Verhofstad MHJ, Vos PE, Delphi Panel. Development of a quality indicator set to measure and improve quality of ICU care for patients with traumatic brain injury. CRITICAL CARE 2019 23: 95-

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47 Anstey JR, Taccone FS, Udy AA, Citerio G, Duranteau J, Ichai C, Badenes R, Prowle JR, Ercole A, Oddo M, Schneider AG, van der Jagt M, Wolf S, Helbok R, Nelson DW, Skrifvars MB, Harrois A, Presneill J, Cooper DJ, Bailey M, Bellomo R, TBI Collaborative. Early Osmotherapy in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: An International Multicenter Study. JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA 2019 : 178-184

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48 Agoston DV, Vink R, Helmy A, Risling M, Nelson D, Prins M. How to Translate Time: The Temporal Aspects of Rodent and Human Pathobiological Processes in Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of neurotrauma 2019 36:11 1724-1737

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49 Volovici V, Ercole A, Citerio G, Stocchetti N, Haitsma IK, Huijben JA, Dirven CMF, van der Jagt M, Steyerberg EW, Nelson D, Cnossen MC, Maas AIR, Polinder S, Menon DK, Lingsma HF. Intensive care admission criteria for traumatic brain injury patients across Europe. Journal of critical care 2019 49: 158-161

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50 Lindfors M, Lindblad C, Nelson DW, Bellander BM, Siironen J, Raj R, Thelin EP. Prognostic performance of computerized tomography scoring systems in civilian penetrating traumatic brain injury: an observational study. ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA 2019 161:12 2467-2478

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51 Harrois A, Anstey JR, Taccone FS, Udy AA, Citerio G, Duranteau J, Ichai C, Badenes R, Prowle JR, Ercole A, Oddo M, Schneider A, van Der Jagt M, Wolf S, Helbok R, Nelson DW, Skrifvars MB, Cooper DJ, Bellomo R, Long K, Rodrigues A, Lozano A, Saxby E, Vargiolu A, Quintard H, Robba C, Sisson A, Allen G, Baro N, Kofler M, TBI Collaborative. Serum sodium and intracranial pressure changes after desmopressin therapy in severe traumatic brain injury patients: a multi-centre cohort study. ANNALS OF INTENSIVE CARE 2019 9:1 99-

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52 Forssten MP, Thelin EP, Nelson DW, Bellander BM. The Role of Glycerol-Containing Drugs in Cerebral Microdialysis: A Retrospective Study on the Effects of Intravenously Administered Glycerol. Neurocritical care 2019 30:3 590-600

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53 Zeiler FA, Ercole A, Cabeleira M, Zoerle T, Stocchetti N, Menon DK, Smielewski P, Czosnyka M, Anke A, Beer R, Bellander BM, Buki A, Chevallard G, Chieregato A, Citerio G, Czeiter E, Depreitere B, Eapen G, Frisvold S, Helbok R, Jankowski S, Kondziella D, Koskinen LO, Meyfroidt G, Moeller K, Nelson D, Piippo-Karjalainen A, Radoi A, Ragauskas A, Raj R, Rhodes J, Rocka S, Rossaint R, Sahuquillo J, Sakowitz O, Stevanovic A, Sundstrom N, Takala R, Tamosuitis T, Tenovuo O, Vajkoczy P, Vargiolu A, Vilcinis R, Wolf S, Younsi A, CENTER-TBI High Resolution. Univariate comparison of performance of different cerebrovascular reactivity indices for outcome association in adult TBI: a CENTER-TBI study. ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA 2019 161:6 1217-1227

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54 Volovici V, Ercole A, Citerio G, Stocchetti N, Haitsma IK, Huijben JA, Dirven CMF, van der Jagt M, Steyerberg EW, Nelson D, Cnossen MC, Maas AIR, Polinder S, Menon DK, Lingsma HF, CENTER-TBI collaborators. Variation in Guideline Implementation and Adherence Regarding Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment: A CENTER-TBI Survey Study in Europe. World neurosurgery 2019 125: e515-e520

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55 Lindblad C, Thelin EP, Nekludov M, Frostell A, Nelson DW, Svensson M, Bellander BM. Assessment of Platelet Function in Traumatic Brain Injury-A Retrospective Observational Study in the Neuro-Critical Care Setting. Frontiers in neurology 2018 9: 15-

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56 Rubenson Wahlin R, Nelson DW, Bellander BM, Svensson M, Helmy A, Thelin EP. Prehospital Intubation and Outcome in Traumatic Brain Injury-Assessing Intervention Efficacy in a Modern Trauma Cohort. Frontiers in neurology 2018 9: 194-

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57 Campoccia Jalde F, Jalde F, Wallin MKEB, Suarez-Sipmann F, Radell PJ, Nelson D, Eksborg S, Sackey PV. Standardized Unloading of Respiratory Muscles during Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist: A Randomized Crossover Pilot Study. Anesthesiology 2018 129:4 769-777

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58 Huijben JA, Volovici V, Cnossen MC, Haitsma IK, Stocchetti N, Maas AIR, Menon DK, Ercole A, Citerio G, Nelson D, Polinder S, Steyerberg EW, Lingsma HF, van der Jagt M, CENTER-TBI investigators and participants. Variation in general supportive and preventive intensive care management of traumatic brain injury: a survey in 66 neurotrauma centers participating in the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) study. Critical care (London, England) 2018 22:1 90-

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59 Thelin EP, Nelson DW, Vehviläinen J, Nyström H, Kivisaari R, Siironen J, Svensson M, Skrifvars MB, Bellander BM, Raj R. Evaluation of novel computerized tomography scoring systems in human traumatic brain injury: An observational, multicenter study. PLoS medicine 2017 14:8 e1002368-

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60 Cnossen MC, Huijben JA, van der Jagt M, Volovici V, van Essen T, Polinder S, Nelson D, Ercole A, Stocchetti N, Citerio G, Peul WC, Maas AIR, Menon D, Steyerberg EW, Lingsma HF, CENTER-TBI investigators. Variation in monitoring and treatment policies for intracranial hypertension in traumatic brain injury: a survey in 66 neurotrauma centers participating in the CENTER-TBI study. Critical care (London, England) 2017 21:1 233-

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61 Ercole A, Thelin EP, Holst A, Bellander BM, Nelson DW. Kinetic modelling of serum S100b after traumatic brain injury. BMC neurology 2016 16: 93-

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62 Thelin EP, Jeppsson E, Frostell A, Svensson M, Mondello S, Bellander BM, Nelson DW. Utility of neuron-specific enolase in traumatic brain injury; relations to S100B levels, outcome, and extracranial injury severity. Critical care (London, England) 2016 20: 285-

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63 Maas AI, Menon DK, Steyerberg EW, Citerio G, Lecky F, Manley GT, Hill S, Legrand V, Sorgner A, CENTER-TBI Participants and Investigators. Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI): a prospective longitudinal observational study. Neurosurgery 2015 76:1 67-80

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64 Al Nimer F, Thelin E, Nyström H, Dring AM, Svenningsson A, Piehl F, Nelson DW, Bellander BM. Comparative Assessment of the Prognostic Value of Biomarkers in Traumatic Brain Injury Reveals an Independent Role for Serum Levels of Neurofilament Light. PloS one 2015 10:7 e0132177-

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65 Thelin EP, Nelson DW, Ghatan PH, Bellander BM. Microdialysis Monitoring of CSF Parameters in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Patients: A Novel Approach. Frontiers in neurology 2014 5: 159-

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66 Thelin EP, Nelson DW, Bellander BM. Secondary peaks of S100B in serum relate to subsequent radiological pathology in traumatic brain injury. Neurocritical care 2014 20:2 217-29

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67 Thelin EP, Johannesson L, Nelson D, Bellander BM. S100B is an important outcome predictor in traumatic brain injury. Journal of neurotrauma 2013 30:7 519-28

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68 Nelson DW, Rudehill A, MacCallum RM, Holst A, Wanecek M, Weitzberg E, Bellander BM. Multivariate outcome prediction in traumatic brain injury with focus on laboratory values. Journal of neurotrauma 2012 29:17 2613-24

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1 Thelin EP, Nelson DW, Bellander BM. A review of the clinical utility of serum S100B protein levels in the assessment of traumatic brain injury. Acta neurochirurgica 2017 159:2 209-225

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2 Thelin EP, Zeiler FA, Ercole A, Mondello S, Büki A, Bellander BM, Helmy A, Menon DK, Nelson DW. Serial Sampling of Serum Protein Biomarkers for Monitoring Human Traumatic Brain Injury Dynamics: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in neurology 2017 8: 300-

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3 Maas AIR, Menon DK, Adelson PD, Andelic N, Bell MJ, Belli A, Bragge P, Brazinova A, Büki A, Chesnut RM, Citerio G, Coburn M, Cooper DJ, Crowder AT, Czeiter E, Czosnyka M, Diaz-Arrastia R, Dreier JP, Duhaime AC, Ercole A, van Essen TA, Feigin VL, Gao G, Giacino J, Gonzalez-Lara LE, Gruen RL, Gupta D, Hartings JA, Hill S, Jiang JY, Ketharanathan N, Kompanje EJO, Lanyon L, Laureys S, Lecky F, Levin H, Lingsma HF, Maegele M, Majdan M, Manley G, Marsteller J, Mascia L, McFadyen C, Mondello S, Newcombe V, Palotie A, Parizel PM, Peul W, Piercy J, Polinder S, Puybasset L, Rasmussen TE, Rossaint R, Smielewski P, Söderberg J, Stanworth SJ, Stein MB, von Steinbüchel N, Stewart W, Steyerberg EW, Stocchetti N, Synnot A, Te Ao B, Tenovuo O, Theadom A, Tibboel D, Videtta W, Wang KKW, Williams WH, Wilson L, Yaffe K, InTBIR Participants and Investigators. Traumatic brain injury: integrated approaches to improve prevention, clinical care, and research. The Lancet. Neurology 2017 16:12 987-1048

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