Publications for Anne Hammarström


1 Virtanen P, Nummi T, Westerlund H, Östergren PO, Janlert U, Hammarström A. Active labour market policies in emerging adulthood may act as a protective factor against future depressiveness: an analysis of the long-term trajectories of depressive symptoms in the Northern Swedish Cohort. Frontiers in public health 2024 12: 1345034-
2 Virtanen P, Nummi T, Janlert U, Hammarström A. Psychosocial conditions during school-age as determinants of long-term labour market attachment: a study of the Northern Swedish Cohort from the 1980s to the 2020s. BMC public health 2024 24:1 191-
3 Hammarstrom A, Bean C, Pingel R, Janlert U, Westerlund H, Ostergren PO, Virtanen P. Why does youth unemployment lead to scarring of depressive symptoms in adulthood? The importance of early adulthood drinking. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2024 52:8 960-967
4 Haukenes I, Hammarstrom A. Workplace gender composition and sickness absence: A register-based study from Sweden. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2024 52:6 678-684
5 Ziaei S, Hammarström A. The relationship between interpersonal violence in adulthood and mental health: a longitudinal study based on the Northern Swedish Cohort. BMC public health 2023 23:1 637-
6 Veldman K, Pingel R, Hallqvist J, G Bean C, Hammarström A. How does social support shape the association between depressive symptoms and labour market participation: a four-way decomposition. European journal of public health 2022 32:1 8-13
7 Norström F, Hammarström A. Methodological perspectives on the study of the health effects of unemployment - reviewing the mode of unemployment, the statistical analysis method and the role of confounding factors. BMC medical research methodology 2022 22:1 199-
8 Berg N, Nummi T, Bean CG, Westerlund H, Virtanen P, Hammarström A. Risk factors in adolescence as predictors of trajectories of somatic symptoms over 27 years. European journal of public health 2022 32:5 696-702
9 Virtanen P, Hammarström A, Janlert U. Locked in Permanent Employment-Longitudinal Associations With Depressive and Functional Somatic Symptoms. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 2021 63:7 588-593
10 Gunnarsdóttir H, Hensing G, Hammarström A. Poor school connectedness in adolescence and adulthood depressiveness: a longitudinal theory-driven study from the Northern Sweden Cohort. European journal of public health 2021 31:4 797-802
11 Hammarström A, Lundman B, Norberg A. The importance of having a paid job. Gendered experiences of health and ill-health in daily life among middle-aged women and men. BMC public health 2021 21:1 2023-
12 Ziaei S, Hammarström A. What social determinants outside paid work are related to development of mental health during life? An integrative review of results from the Northern Swedish Cohort. BMC public health 2021 21:1 2190-
13 Berg N, Virtanen M, Lintonen T, Hammarström A. The contribution of drinking culture at comprehensive school to heavy episodic drinking from adolescence to midlife. European journal of public health 2020 30:2 357-363
14 Berg N, Virtanen P, Bean CG, Lintonen T, Nummi T, Hammarstrom A. The relevance of macroeconomic conditions on concurrent and subsequent alcohol use - results from two Northern Swedish cohorts. ADDICTION RESEARCH & THEORY 2020 28:6 501-509
15 Rajaleid K, Janlert U, Hjern A, Westerlund H, Hammarstrom A. Birth size is not associated with depressive symptoms from adolescence to middle-age: results from the Northern Swedish Cohort study. JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL ORIGINS OF HEALTH AND DISEASE 2019 10:3 376-383
16 Lallukka T, Mekuria GB, Nummi T, Virtanen P, Virtanen M, Hammarstrom A. Co-occurrence of depressive, anxiety, and somatic symptoms: trajectories from adolescence to midlife using group-based joint trajectory analysis. BMC PSYCHIATRY 2019 19: 236-
17 Nyberg A, Rajaleid K, Westerlund H, Hammarström A. Does social and professional establishment at age 30 mediate the association between school connectedness and family climate at age 16 and mental health symptoms at age 43?. Journal of affective disorders 2019 246: 52-61
18 Bean CG, Virtanen M, Westerlund H, Berg N, Hallqvist J, Hammarstrom A. Group activity participation at age 21 and depressive symptoms during boom and recession in Sweden: a 20-year follow-up. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2019 29:3 475-481
19 Blomqvist I, Blom EH, Hagglof B, Hammarstrom A. Increase of internalized mental health symptoms among adolescents during the last three decades. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2019 29:5 925-931
20 Hammarström A, Ahlgren C. Living in the shadow of unemployment -an unhealthy life situation: a qualitative study of young people from leaving school until early adult life. BMC public health 2019 19:1 1661-
21 Bean CG, Pingel R, Hallqvist J, Berg N, Hammarstrom A. Poor peer relations in adolescence, social support in early adulthood, and depressive symptoms in later adulthood-evaluating mediation and interaction using four-way decomposition analysis. ANNALS OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 2019 29: 52-59
22 Hammarström A, Virtanen P. The importance of financial recession for mental health among students: short- and long-term analyses from an ecosocial perspective. Journal of public health research 2019 8:2 1504-
23 Linander I, Goicolea I, Alm E, Hammarstrom A, Harryson L. (Un)safe spaces, affective labour and perceived health among people with trans experiences living in Sweden. CULTURE HEALTH & SEXUALITY 2019 21:8 914-928
24 Lundman B, Hammarström A, Ahlgren C, Norberg A. Use of the model of Inner Strength for analysing reflective interviews in a group of healthy middle-aged adults. SAGE open medicine 2019 7: 2050312119856812-
25 Delfabbro P, Stevenson J, Malvaso C, Duong D, Winefield H, Winefield A, Hammarstrom A. Who is doing well: Age 15 predictors of psychological and physical health in young adulthood. AUSTRALIAN PSYCHOLOGIST 2019 54:2 114-124
26 Jonsson F, San Sebastian M, Hammarstrom A, Gustafsson PE. Are neighbourhood inequalities in adult health explained by socio-economic and psychosocial determinants in adolescence and the subsequent life course in northern Sweden? A decomposition analysis. HEALTH & PLACE 2018 52: 127-134
27 Landstedt E, Hammarstrom A, Fairweather-Schmidt AK, Wade T. Associations between adolescent risk for restrictive disordered eating and long-term outcomes related to somatic symptoms, body mass index, and poor well-being. BRITISH JOURNAL OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY 2018 23:2 496-518

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28 Berg N, Kiviruusu O, Huurre T, Lintonen T, Virtanen P, Hammarström A. Associations between unemployment and heavy episodic drinking from adolescence to midlife in Sweden and Finland. European journal of public health 2018 28:2 258-263
29 Wiklund M, Ahlgren C, Hammarström A. Constructing respectability from disfavoured social positions: exploring young femininities and health as shaped by marginalisation and social context. A qualitative study in Northern Sweden. Global health action 2018 11:sup3 1519960-
30 Eriksson M, Ghazinour M, Hammarstrom A. Different uses of Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory in public mental health research: what is their value for guiding public mental health policy and practice?. SOCIAL THEORY & HEALTH 2018 16:4 414-433
31 Brydsten A, Hammarstrom A, San Sebastian M. Health inequalities between employed and unemployed in northern Sweden: a decomposition analysis of social determinants for mental health. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR EQUITY IN HEALTH 2018 17: 59-
32 Hammarstrom A, Hensing G. How gender theories are used in contemporary public health research. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR EQUITY IN HEALTH 2018 17: 34-
33 Warin M, Hammarstrom A. Material Feminism and Epigenetics: A "Critical Window' for Engagement?. AUSTRALIAN FEMINIST STUDIES 2018 33:97 299-315
34 Nyberg A, Magnusson Hanson LL, Leineweber C, Hammarström A, Theorell T. Occupational gender composition and mild to severe depression in a Swedish cohort: The impact of psychosocial work factors. Scandinavian journal of public health 2018 46:3 425-432
35 Almquist YB, Landstedt E, Jackisch J, Rajaleid K, Westerlund H, Hammarström A. Prevailing over Adversity: Factors Counteracting the Long-Term Negative Health Influences of Social and Material Disadvantages in Youth. International journal of environmental research and public health 2018 15:9
36 Berg N, Kiviruusu O, Bean CG, Huurre T, Lintonen T, Hammarstrom A. Social relationships in adolescence and heavy episodic drinking from youth to midlife in Finland and Sweden - examining the role of individual, contextual and temporal factors. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 2018 18: 1000-
37 Annandale E, Wiklund M, Hammarström A. Theorising women's health and health inequalities: shaping processes of the 'gender-biology nexus'. Global health action 2018 11:sup3 1669353-
38 Leino-Arjas P, Rajaleid K, Mekuria G, Nummi T, Virtanen P, Hammarström A. Trajectories of musculoskeletal pain from adolescence to middle age: the role of early depressive symptoms, a 27-year follow-up of the Northern Swedish Cohort. Pain 2018 159:1 67-74
39 Almquist YB, Landstedt E, Hammarstrom A. Associations between social support and depressive symptoms: social causation or social selection-or both?. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2017 27:1 84-89
40 Nygren K, Hammarstrom A, Rolandsson O. Binge drinking and total alcohol consumption from 16 to 43 years of age are associated with elevated fasting plasma glucose in women: results from the northern Swedish cohort study. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 2017 17: 509-
41 Brydsten A, Gustafsson PE, Hammarstrom A, San Sebastian M. Does contextual unemployment matter for health status across the life course? A longitudinal multilevel study exploring the link between neighbourhood unemployment and functional somatic symptoms. HEALTH & PLACE 2017 43: 113-120
42 Jonsson F, San Sebastian M, Hammarstrom A, Gustafsson PE. Intragenerational social mobility and functional somatic symptoms in a northern Swedish context: analyses of diagonal reference models. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR EQUITY IN HEALTH 2017 16: 1-
43 Norstrom F, Janlert U, Hammarstrom A. Is unemployment in young adulthood related to self-rated health later in life? Results from the Northern Swedish cohort. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 2017 17: 529-
44 Linander I, Alm E, Hammarstrom A, Harryson L. Negotiating the (bio)medical gaze - Experiences of trans-specific healthcare in Sweden. SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE 2017 174: 9-16
45 Byhamre ML, Gustafsson PE, Jansson JH, Wennberg M, Hammarstrom A, Wennberg P. Snus use during the life-course and risk of the metabolic syndrome and its components. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2017 45:8 733-740
46 Nilsson K, Hammarstrom A, Strandh M. The relationship between work and family preferences and behaviors: A longitudinal study of gender differences in Sweden. ACTA SOCIOLOGICA 2017 60:2 120-133
47 Nummi T, Virtanen P, Leino-Arjas P, Hammarström A. Trajectories of a set of ten functional somatic symptoms from adolescence to middle age. Archives of public health = Archives belges de sante publique 2017 75: 11-
48 Lehti A, Fjellman-Wiklund A, Stålnacke BM, Hammarström A, Wiklund M. Walking down 'Via Dolorosa' from primary health care to the specialty pain clinic - patient and professional perceptions of inequity in rehabilitation of chronic pain. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences 2017 31:1 45-53

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49 Gustafsson PE, Bozorgmehr K, Hammarstrom A, San Sebastian M. What role does adolescent neighborhood play for adult health? A cross-classified multilevel analysis of life course models in Northern Sweden. HEALTH & PLACE 2017 46: 137-144
50 Wiklund M, Fjellman-Wiklund A, Stalnacke BM, Hammarstrom A, Lehti A. Access to rehabilitation: patient perceptions of inequalities in access to specialty pain rehabilitation from a gender and intersectional perspective. GLOBAL HEALTH ACTION 2016 9: 31542-
51 Hammarström A, Westerlund H, Kirves K, Nygren K, Virtanen P, Hägglöf B. Addressing challenges of validity and internal consistency of mental health measures in a 27- year longitudinal cohort study - the Northern Swedish Cohort study. BMC medical research methodology 2016 16: 4-
52 Landstedt E, Harryson L, Hammarstrom A. Changing housework, changing health? A longitudinal analysis of how changes in housework are associated with functional somatic symptoms. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIRCUMPOLAR HEALTH 2016 75: 31781-
53 Virtanen P, Hammarstrom A, Janlert U. Children of boom and recession and the scars to the mental health - a comparative study on the long term effects of youth unemployment. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR EQUITY IN HEALTH 2016 15: 14-
54 Hammarström A, Wiklund M, Stålnacke BM, Lehti A, Haukenes I, Fjellman-Wiklund A. Developing a Tool for Increasing the Awareness about Gendered and Intersectional Processes in the Clinical Assessment of Patients--A Study of Pain Rehabilitation. PloS one 2016 11:4 e0152735-
55 Landstedt E, Almquist YB, Eriksson M, Hammarström A. Disentangling the directions of associations between structural social capital and mental health: Longitudinal analyses of gender, civic engagement and depressive symptoms. Social science & medicine (1982) 2016 163: 135-43
56 Ahlgren C, Hammarström A, Sandberg S, Lindahl B, Olsson T, Larsson C, Fjellman-Wiklund A. Engagement in New Dietary Habits-Obese Women's Experiences from Participating in a 2-Year Diet Intervention. International journal of behavioral medicine 2016 23:1 84-93
57 Harryson L, Alex L, Hammarstrom A. "I have surly passed a limit, it is simply too much": women's and men's experiences of stress and wellbeing when living within a process of housework resignation. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 2016 16: 224-
58 Wennberg M, Gustafsson PE, Wennberg P, Hammarstrom A. Irregular eating of meals in adolescence and the metabolic syndrome in adulthood: results from a 27-year prospective cohort. PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION 2016 19:3 667-73
59 Jonsson F, San Sebastian M, Stromsten LMJ, Hammarstrom A, Gustafsson PE. Life Course Pathways of Adversities Linking Adolescent Socioeconomic Circumstances and Functional Somatic Symptoms in Mid-Adulthood: A Path Analysis Study. PLOS ONE 2016 11:5 e0155963-
60 Landstedt E, Gustafsson PE, Johansson K, Hammarstrom A. Longitudinal associations between social relationships at age 30 and internalising symptoms at age 42: findings from the Northern Swedish Cohort. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2016 61:1 75-81
61 Delfabbro PH, Winefield HR, Winefield AH, Hammarström A. Mid-Adolescent Predictors of Adult Drinking Levels in Early Adulthood and Gender Differences: Longitudinal Analyses Based on the South Australian School Leavers Study. Journal of addiction 2016 2016: 1489691-
62 Rajaleid K, Nummi T, Westerlund H, Virtanen P, Gustafsson PE, Hammarström A. Social adversities in adolescence predict unfavourable trajectories of internalized mental health symptoms until middle age: results from the Northern Swedish Cohort. European journal of public health 2016 26:1 23-9
63 Brydsten A, Hammarstrom A, San Sebastian M. The impact of economic recession on the association between youth unemployment and functional somatic symptoms in adulthood: a difference-in-difference analysis from Sweden. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 2016 16: 230-
64 Landstedt E, Brydsten A, Hammarström A, Virtanen P, Almquist YB. The role of social position and depressive symptoms in adolescence for life-course trajectories of education and work: a cohort study. BMC public health 2016 16:1 1169-
65 Virtanen P, Lintonen T, Westerlund H, Nummi T, Janlert U, Hammarström A. Unemployment in the teens and trajectories of alcohol consumption in adulthood. BMJ open 2016 6:3 e006430-
66 Gustafsson PE, Hammarstrom A, Sebastian MS. Cumulative contextual and individual disadvantages over the life course and adult functional somatic symptoms in Sweden. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2015 25:4 592-7
67 Haukenes I, Hensing G, Stålnacke BM, Hammarström A. Does pain severity guide selection to multimodal pain rehabilitation across gender?. European journal of pain (London, England) 2015 19:6 826-33

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68 Strandh M, Nilsson K, Nordlund M, Hammarstrom A. Do open youth unemployment and youth programs leave the same mental health scars? - Evidence from a Swedish 27-year cohort study. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 2015 15: 1151-
69 Annandale E, Hammarstrom A. Gender Inequality in the Couple Relationship and Leisure-Based Physical Exercise. PLOS ONE 2015 10:7 e0133348-
70 Linder L, Hammarström A. [Gender plays a role in the young physicians work situation]. Lakartidningen 2015 112:

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71 Hammarstrom A, Lundman B, Ahlgren C, Wiklund M. Health and Masculinities Shaped by Agency within Structures among Young Unemployed Men in a Northern Swedish Context. PLOS ONE 2015 10:5 e0124785-
72 Landstedt E, Hammarstrom A, Winefield H. How well do parental and peer relationships in adolescence predict health in adulthood?. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2015 43:5 460-8
73 Nygren K, Gong WD, Hammarstrom A. Is hypertension in adult age related to unemployment at a young age? Results from the Northern Swedish Cohort. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2015 43:1 52-8
74 Stålnacke BM, Haukenes I, Lehti A, Wiklund AF, Wiklund M, Hammarström A. Is there a gender bias in recommendations for further rehabilitation in primary care of patients with chronic pain after an interdisciplinary team assessment?. Journal of rehabilitation medicine 2015 47:4 365-71
75 Janlert U, Winefield AH, Hammarstrom A. Length of unemployment and health-related outcomes: a life-course analysis. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2015 25:4 662-7
76 Elwer S, Hammarstrom A, Strandh M, Gustafsson PE. Life course models of economic stress and poor mental health in mid-adulthood: Results from the prospective Northern Swedish Cohort. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2015 43:8 833-40
77 Kalucza S, Hammarstrom A, Nilsson K. Mental health and parenthood - A longitudinal study of the relationship between self-reported mental health and parenthood. HEALTH SOCIOLOGY REVIEW 2015 24:3 283-296
78 Virtanen P, Nummi T, Lintonen T, Westerlund H, Hägglöf B, Hammarström A. Mental health in adolescence as determinant of alcohol consumption trajectories in the Northern Swedish Cohort. International journal of public health 2015 60:3 335-42
79 Johansson K, Sebastian MS, Hammarstrom A, Gustafsson PE. Neighbourhood disadvantage and individual adversities in adolescence and total alcohol consumption up to mid-life-Results from the Northern Swedish Cohort. HEALTH & PLACE 2015 33: 187-94
80 Westerlund H, Rajaleid K, Virtanen P, Gustafsson PE, Nummi T, Hammarström A. Parental academic involvement in adolescence as predictor of mental health trajectories over the life course: a prospective population-based cohort study. BMC public health 2015 15: 653-
81 Wennberg M, Gustafsson PE, Wennberg P, Hammarstrom A. Poor breakfast habits in adolescence predict the metabolic syndrome in adulthood. PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION 2015 18:1 122-9
82 San Sebastian M, Hammarstrom A, Gustafsson PE. Socioeconomic inequalities in functional somatic symptoms by social and material conditions at four life course periods in Sweden: a decomposition analysis. BMJ OPEN 2015 5:8 e006581-
83 Linander I, Hammarstrom A, Johansson K. Which socio-economic measures are associated with psychological distress for men and women? A cohort analysis. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2015 25:2 231-6
84 Brydsten A, Hammarstrom A, Strandh M, Johansson K. Youth unemployment and functional somatic symptoms in adulthood: results from the Northern Swedish cohort. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2015 25:5 796-800
85 Hammarstrom A, Johansson K, Annandale E, Ahlgren C, Alex L, Christianson M, Elwer S, Eriksson C, Fjellman-Wiklund A, Gilenstam K, Gustafsson PE, Harryson L, Lehti A, Stenberg G, Verdonk P. Central gender theoretical concepts in health research: the state of the art. JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH 2014 68:2 185-90
86 Hammarstrom A, Wiklund AF, Lindahl B, Larsson C, Ahlgren C. Experiences of barriers and facilitators to weight-loss in a diet intervention - a qualitative study of women in Northern Sweden. BMC WOMENS HEALTH 2014 14: 59-
87 Brannlund A, Hammarstrom A. Higher education and psychological distress: A 27-year prospective cohort study in Sweden. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2014 42:2 155-62
88 Waenerlund AK, Gustafsson PE, Hammarstrom A, Virtanen P. History of labour market attachment as a determinant of health status: a 12-year follow-up of the Northern Swedish Cohort. BMJ OPEN 2014 4:2 e004053-
89 Theorell T, Hammarström A, Gustafsson PE, Magnusson Hanson L, Janlert U, Westerlund H. Job strain and depressive symptoms in men and women: a prospective study of the working population in Sweden. Journal of epidemiology and community health 2014 68:1 78-82
90 Gustafsson PE, San Sebastian M, Janlert U, Theorell T, Westerlund H, Hammarström A. Life-course accumulation of neighborhood disadvantage and allostatic load: empirical integration of three social determinants of health frameworks. American journal of public health 2014 104:5 904-10
91 Hammarström A, Haukenes I, Fjellman Wiklund A, Lehti A, Wiklund M, Evengård B, Stålnacke BM. Low-educated women with chronic pain were less often selected to multidisciplinary rehabilitation programs. PloS one 2014 9:5 e97134-
92 Johansson K, Wennberg P, Hammarstrom A. Parental leave and increased physical activity of fathers and mothers-results from the Northern Swedish Cohort. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2014 24:6 935-40
93 Jonsson F, Hammarstrom A, Gustafsson PE. Social capital across the life course and functional somatic symptoms in mid-adulthood. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2014 42:7 581-8
94 Wennberg P, Gustafsson PE, Howard B, Wennberg M, Hammarstrom A. Television viewing over the life course and the metabolic syndrome in mid-adulthood: a longitudinal population-based study. JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH 2014 68:10 928-33
95 Strandh M, Winefield A, Nilsson K, Hammarstrom A. Unemployment and mental health scarring during the life course. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2014 24:3 440-5
96 Elwer S, Johansson K, Hammarstrom A. Workplace gender composition and psychological distress: the importance of the psychosocial work environment. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 2014 14: 241-
97 Mittendorfer-Rutz E, Hensing G, Westerlund H, Backheden M, Hammarström A. Determinants in adolescence for adult sickness absence in women and men: a 26-year follow-up of a prospective population based cohort (Northern Swedish cohort). BMC public health 2013 13: 75-
98 Virtanen P, Janlert U, Hammarstrom A. Health status and health behaviour as predictors of the occurrence of unemployment and prolonged unemployment. PUBLIC HEALTH 2013 127:1 46-52
99 Westerlund H, Gustafsson PE, Theorell T, Janlert U, Hammarström A. Parental academic involvement in adolescence, academic achievement over the life course and allostatic load in middle age: a prospective population-based cohort study. Journal of epidemiology and community health 2013 67:6 508-13
100 Elwer S, Harryson L, Bolin M, Hammarstrom A. Patterns of Gender Equality at Workplaces and Psychological Distress. PLOS ONE 2013 8:1 e53246-
101 Bohlin A, Ahlgren C, Hammarstrom A, Gustafsson PE. Perceived gender inequality in the couple relationship and musculoskeletal pain in middle-aged women and men. Scandinavian journal of public health 2013 41:8 825-31
102 Gustafsson PE, San Sebastian M, Janlert U, Theorell T, Westerlund H, Hammarström A. Residential selection across the life course: adolescent contextual and individual determinants of neighborhood disadvantage in mid-adulthood. PloS one 2013 8:11 e80241-
103 Virtanen P, Janlert U, Hammarstrom A. Suboptimal health as a predictor of non-permanent employment in middle age: a 12-year follow-up study of the Northern Swedish Cohort. INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 2013 86:2 139-45
104 Wennberg P, Gustafsson PE, Dunstan DW, Wennberg M, Hammarstrom A. Television Viewing and Low Leisure-Time Physical Activity in Adolescence Independently Predict the Metabolic Syndrome in Mid-Adulthood. DIABETES CARE 2013 36:7 2090-7

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105 Reine I, Novo M, Hammarstrom A. Unemployment and ill health - A gender analysis: Results from a 14-year follow-up of the Northern Swedish Cohort. PUBLIC HEALTH 2013 127:3 214-22
106 Strandh M, Hammarstrom A, Nilsson K, Nordenmark M, Russel H. Unemployment, gender and mental health: the role of the gender regime. SOCIOLOGY OF HEALTH & ILLNESS 2013 35:5 649-65
107 Hammarstrom A, Annandale E. A Conceptual Muddle: An Empirical Analysis of the Use of 'Sex' and 'Gender' in 'Gender-Specific Medicine' Journals. PLOS ONE 2012 7:4 e34193-
108 Schéle IA, Hedman LR, Hammarström A. A model of psychosocial work environment, stress, and satisfaction among dental students in Sweden. Journal of dental education 2012 76:9 1206-17

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109 Alex L, Wiklund AF, Lundman B, Christianson M, Hammarstrom A. Beyond a Dichotomous View of the Concepts of 'Sex' and 'Gender' Focus Group Discussions among Gender Researchers at a Medical Faculty. PLOS ONE 2012 7:11 e50275-
110 Hammarstrom A, Janlert U. Cohort Profile: The Northern Swedish Cohort. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 2012 41:6 1545-52

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111 Harryson L, Strandh M, Hammarstrom A. Domestic Work and Psychological Distress-What Is the Importance of Relative Socioeconomic Position and Gender Inequality in the Couple Relationship?. PLOS ONE 2012 7:6 e38484-
112 Gustafsson PE, Janlert U, Theorell T, Westerlund H, Hammarström A. Do peer relations in adolescence influence health in adulthood? Peer problems in the school setting and the metabolic syndrome in middle-age. PloS one 2012 7:6 e39385-
113 Elwer S, Alex L, Hammarstrom A. Gender (in)equality among employees in elder care: implications for health. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR EQUITY IN HEALTH 2012 11: 1-
114 Hammarstrom A, Phillips SP. Gender inequity needs to be regarded as a social determinant of depressive symptoms: Results from the Northern Swedish cohort. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2012 40:8 746-52
115 Harryson L, Novo M, Hammarstrom A. Is gender inequality in the domestic sphere associated with psychological distress among women and men? Results from the Northern Swedish Cohort. JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH 2012 66:3 271-6
116 Christianson M, Alex L, Wiklund AF, Hammarstrom A, Lundman B. Sex and Gender Traps and Springboards: A Focus Group Study Among Gender Researchers in Medicine and Health Sciences. HEALTH CARE FOR WOMEN INTERNATIONAL 2012 33:8 739-55
117 Westerlund H, Gustafsson PE, Theorell T, Janlert U, Hammarström A. Social adversity in adolescence increases the physiological vulnerability to job strain in adulthood: a prospective population-based study. PloS one 2012 7:4 e35967-
118 Novak M, Ahlgren C, Hammarstrom A. Social and health-related correlates of intergenerational and intragenerational social mobility among Swedish men and women. PUBLIC HEALTH 2012 126:4 349-57
119 Gustafsson PE, Janlert U, Theorell T, Westerlund H, Hammarström A. Social and material adversity from adolescence to adulthood and allostatic load in middle-aged women and men: results from the Northern Swedish Cohort. Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine 2012 43:1 117-28
120 Gustafsson PE, Persson M, Hammarstrom A. Socio-economic disadvantage and body mass over the life course in women and men: results from the Northern Swedish Cohort. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2012 22:3 322-7
121 Gustafsson PE, Hammarstrom A. Socioeconomic disadvantage in adolescent women and metabolic syndrome in mid-adulthood: An examination of pathways of embodiment in the Northern Swedish Cohort. SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE 2012 74:10 1630-8
122 Gustafsson PE, Janlert U, Virtanen P, Hammarstrom A. The association between long-term accumulation of temporary employment, the cortisol awakening response and circadian cortisol levels. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 2012 37:6 789-800
123 Månsdotter A, Nordenmark M, Hammarström A. The importance of childhood and adulthood aspects of gendered life for adult mental ill-health symptoms--a 27-year follow-up of the Northern Swedish Cohort. BMC public health 2012 12: 493-
124 Samuelsson Å, Houkes I, Verdonk P, Hammarström A. Types of employment and their associations with work characteristics and health in Swedish women and men. Scandinavian journal of public health 2012 40:2 183-90
125 Hammarstrom A, Virtanen P, Janlert U. Are the health consequences of temporary employment worse among low educated than among high educated?. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2011 21:6 756-61
126 Delfabbro PH, Winefield AH, Anderson S, Hammarström A, Winefield H. Body image and psychological well-being in adolescents: the relationship between gender and school type. The Journal of genetic psychology 2011 172:1 67-83
127 Annandale E, Hammarstrom A. Constructing the 'gender-specific body': A critical discourse analysis of publications in the field of gender-specific medicine. HEALTH 2011 15:6 571-87
128 Virtanen P, Janlert U, Hammarstrom A. Exposure to Nonpermanent Employment and Health Analysis of the Associations With 12 Health Indicators. JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE 2011 53:6 653-7
129 Virtanen P, Janlert U, Hammarstrom A. Exposure to temporary employment and job insecurity: a longitudinal study of the health effects. OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE 2011 68:8 570-4
130 Reine I, Novo M, Hammarstrom A. Is participation in labour market programmes related to mental health? Results from a 14-year follow-up of the Northern Swedish Cohort. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2011 39:1 26-34
131 Waenerlund AK, Virtanen P, Hammarstrom A. Is temporary employment related to health status? Analysis of the Northern Swedish Cohort. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2011 39:5 533-9
132 Waenerlund AK, Gustafsson PE, Virtanen P, Hammarstrom A. Is the core-periphery labour market structure related to perceived health? findings of the Northern Swedish Cohort. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 2011 11: 956-
133 Hammarstrom A, Gustafsson PE, Strandh M, Virtanen P, Janlert U. It's no surprise! Men are not hit more than women by the health consequences of unemployment in the Northern Swedish Cohort. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2011 39:2 187-93
134 Gustafsson PE, Persson M, Hammarstrom A. Life Course Origins of the Metabolic Syndrome in Middle-Aged Women and Men: The Role of Socioeconomic Status and Metabolic Risk Factors in Adolescence and Early Adulthood. ANNALS OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 2011 21:2 103-10
135 Hammarstrom A, Stenlund H, Janlert U. Mechanisms for the social gradient in health: Results from a 14-year follow-up of the Northern Swedish Cohort. PUBLIC HEALTH 2011 125:9 567-76
136 Strandh M, Novo M, Hammarstrom A. Mental health among the unemployed and the unemployment rate in the municipality. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2011 21:6 799-805
137 Phillips SP, Hammarstrom A. Relative Health Effects of Education, Socioeconomic Status and Domestic Gender Inequity in Sweden: A Cohort Study. PLOS ONE 2011 6:6 e21722-
138 Gustafsson PE, Janlert U, Theorell T, Westerlund H, Hammarström A. Socioeconomic status over the life course and allostatic load in adulthood: results from the Northern Swedish Cohort. Journal of epidemiology and community health 2011 65:11 986-92
139 Virtanen P, Lipiainen L, Hammarstrom A, Janlert U, Saloniemi A, Nummi T. Tracks of labour market attachment in early middle age: A trajectory analysis over 12 years. ADVANCES IN LIFE COURSE RESEARCH 2011 16:2 55-64
140 Gustafsson PE, Janlert U, Theorell T, Westerlund H, Hammarström A. Fetal and life course origins of serum lipids in mid-adulthood: results from a prospective cohort study. BMC public health 2010 10: 484-
141 Elwer S, Alex L, Hammarstrom A. Health Against the Odds: Experiences of Employees in Elder Care From a Gender Perspective. QUALITATIVE HEALTH RESEARCH 2010 20:9 1202-12
142 Gustafsson PE, Janlert U, Theorell T, Hammarström A. Is body size at birth related to circadian salivary cortisol levels in adulthood? Results from a longitudinal cohort study. BMC public health 2010 10: 346-
143 Gustafsson PE, Janlert U, Theorell T, Hammarström A. Life-course socioeconomic trajectories and diurnal cortisol regulation in adulthood. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2010 35:4 613-23
144 Alex L, Lundman B, Hammarstrom A. Reflections of men and women in advanced old age on being born the other sex. AGEING & SOCIETY 2010 30: 193-205
145 Lehti AH, Johansson EE, Bengs C, Danielsson U, Hammarstrom A. "The Western Gaze"-An Analysis of Medical Research Publications Concerning the Expressions of Depression, Focusing on Ethnicity and Gender. HEALTH CARE FOR WOMEN INTERNATIONAL 2010 31:2 100-12
146 Johansson EE, Bengs C, Danielsson U, Lehti A, Hammarstrom A. Gaps Between Patients, Media, and Academic Medicine in Discourses on Gender and Depression: A Metasynthesis. QUALITATIVE HEALTH RESEARCH 2009 19:5 633-44
147 Hammarstrom A, Lehti A, Danielsson U, Bengs C, Johansson EE. Gender-related explanatory models of depression: A critical evaluation of medical articles. PUBLIC HEALTH 2009 123:10 689-93
148 Lehti A, Hammarstrom A, Mattsson B. Recognition of depression in people of different cultures: a qualitative study. BMC FAMILY PRACTICE 2009 10: 53-
149 Danielsson U, Bengs C, Lehti A, Hammarstrom A, Johansson EE. Struck by lightning or slowly suffocating - gendered trajectories into depression. BMC FAMILY PRACTICE 2009 10: 56-
150 Janlert U, Hammarstrom A. Which theory is best? Explanatory models of the relationship between unemployment and health. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 2009 9: 235-
151 Alex L, Hammarstrom A, Norberg A, Lundman B. Construction of masculinities among men aged 85 and older in the north of Sweden. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING 2008 17:4 451-9
152 Reine I, Novo M, Hammarstrom A. Does transition from an unstable labour market position to permanent employment protect mental health?: Results from a 14-year follow-up of school-leavers. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 2008 8: 159-
153 Lofmark U, Hammarstrom A. Education-related differences in case fatality among elderly with stroke. NEUROEPIDEMIOLOGY 2008 31:1 21-7

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154 Bengs C, Johansson E, Danielsson U, Lehti A, Hammarstrom A. Gendered portraits of depression in Swedish newspapers. QUALITATIVE HEALTH RESEARCH 2008 18:7 962-73
155 Alex L, Hammarstrom A. Shift in power during an interview situation:: methodological reflections inspired by Foucault and Bourdieu. NURSING INQUIRY 2008 15:2 169-76
156 Hammarstrom A. A tool for developing gender research in medicine:: Examples from the medical literature on work life. GENDER MEDICINE 2007 4: S123-32
157 Lofmark U, Hammarstrom A. Evidence for age-dependent education-related differences in men and women with first-ever stroke. NEUROEPIDEMIOLOGY 2007 28:3 135-41

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158 Novak M, AhIgren C, Hammarstrom A. Inequalities in smoking: Influence of social chain of risks from adolescence to young adulthood: A prospective population-based cohort study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE 2007 14:3 181-7

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159 Novak M, Ahlgren C, Hammarstrom A. A life-course approach in explaining social inequity in obesity among young adult men and women. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY 2006 30:1 191-200
160 Aléx L, Hammarström A, Norberg A, Lundman B. Balancing within various discourses--the art of being old and living as a Sami woman. Health care for women international 2006 27:10 873-92
161 Aléx L, Hammarström A, Gustafson Y, Norberg A, Lundman B. Constructions of various femininities among the oldest old women. Health care for women international 2006 27:10 853-72
162 Peter R, Hammarstrom A, Hallqvist J, Siegrist J, Theorell T, SHEEP Study Grp. Does occupational gender segregation influence the association of effort-reward imbalance with myocardial infarction in the SHEEP study?. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE 2006 13:1 34-43
163 Delfabbro P, Winefield T, Trainor S, Dollard M, Anderson S, Metzer J, Hammarstrom A. Peer and teacher bullying/victimization of South Australian secondary school students: prevalence and psychosocial profiles. The British journal of educational psychology 2006 76:Pt 1 71-90
164 Berg C, Hammarstrom A. The process of building a new governmental authority based on public demands for improved animal welfare. LIVESTOCK SCIENCE 2006 103:3 297-302
165 Hammarstrom A, Janlert U. An agenda for unemployment research:: A challenge for public health. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SERVICES 2005 35:4 765-77
166 Gadin KG, Hammarstrom A. A possible contributor to the higher degree of girls reporting psychological symptoms compared with boys in grade nine?. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2005 15:4 380-5
167 Gustafsson-Larsson S, Hammarström A. Health perceptions of local community works: network women describe how flows of energy and space of action generate health and ill health. Work (Reading, Mass.) 2005 24:3 215-27

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168 Hammarstrom A, Janlert U. Health selection in a 14-year follow-up study -: A question of gendered discrimination?. SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE 2005 61:10 2221-32
169 Lofmark U, Hammarstrom A. Older stroke patients' negotiations within the hierarchic medical context. QUALITATIVE HEALTH RESEARCH 2005 15:6 778-90
170 Winefield AH, Saebel J, Hammarstrom A, Janiert U. Predictors of future employment status among Australian and Swedish school-leavers:: Longitudinal data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY 2005 40:5 349-356
171 Reine I, Novo M, Hammarstrom A. Does the association between ill health and unemployment differ between young people and adults?: Results from a 14-year follow-up study with a focus on psychological health and smoking. PUBLIC HEALTH 2004 118:5 337-45
172 Khatun M, Ahlgren C, Hammarstrom A. The influence of factors identified in adolescence and early adulthood on social class inequities of musculoskeletal disorders at age 30:: a prospective population-based cohort study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 2004 33:6 1353-60

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173 Alex L, Hammarstrom A. Women's experiences in connection with induced abortion -: a feminist perspective. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF CARING SCIENCES 2004 18:2 160-8
174 Gadin KG, Hammarstrom A. Do changes in the psychosocial school environment influence pupils' health development?: Results from a three-year follow-up study. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2003 31:3 169-77
175 Hammarstrom A. The integration of gender in medical research and education-obstacles and possibilities from a Nordic perspective. WOMEN & HEALTH 2003 37:4 121-33
176 Hammarstrom A, Janlert U. Unemployment -: an important predictor for future smoking:: a 14-year follow-up study of school leavers. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2003 31:3 229-32
177 Gadin KG, Hammarstrom A. Can school-related factors predict future health behaviour among young adolescents?. PUBLIC HEALTH 2002 116:1 22-9
178 Hammarstrom A, Janlert U. Early unemployment can contribute to adult health problems:: results from a longitudinal study of school leavers. JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH 2002 56:8 624-30
179 Novo M, Hammarstrom A, Janlert U. Do high levels of unemployment influence the health of those who are not unemployed?: A gendered comparison of young men and women during boom and recession. SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE 2001 53:3 293-303
180 Ahlgren C, Hammarstrom A. Back to work?: Gendered experiences of rehabilitation. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2000 28:2 88-94
181 Gustafsson-Larsson S, Hammarstrom A. Can women's network activities lead to improved health?. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2000 28:4 253-9

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182 Hammarstrom A, Janlert U. Do early unemployment and health status among young men and women affect their chances of later employment?. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2000 28:1 10-5
183 Novo M, Hammarstrom A, Janlert U. Health hazards of unemployment -: only a boom phenomenon?: A study of young men and women during times of prosperity and times of recession. PUBLIC HEALTH 2000 114:1 25-9
184 Gadin KG, Hammarstrom A. School-related health -: A cross-sectional study among young boys and girls. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SERVICES 2000 30:4 797-820
185 Novo M, Hammarstrom A, Janlert U. Smoking habits -: a question of trend or unemployment?: A comparison of young men and women between boom and recession. PUBLIC HEALTH 2000 114:6 460-3
186 Gadin KG, Hammarstrom A. 'We won't let them keep us quiet...' -: Gendered strategies in the negotiation of power-implications for pupils' health and school health promotion. HEALTH PROMOTION INTERNATIONAL 2000 15:4 303-311
187 Rajs J, Perski A, Blomqvist V, Hammarström E, Hammarström A. [Work-related stress behind sudden death cases? Two young Swedes hit by a known Japanese phenomenon]. Lakartidningen 2000 97:46 5294-6

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188 Novo M, Hammarstrom A, Janlert U. Does low willingness to respond introduce a bias?: Results from a socio-epidemiological study among young men and women. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WELFARE 1999 8:2 155-163
189 Ahlgren C, Hammarstrom A. Has increased focus on vocational rehabilitation led to an increase in young employees' return to work after work-related disorders?. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 1999 27:3 220-7
190 Hammarstrom A, Ripper M. What could a feminist perspective on power bring into public health?. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 1999 27:4 286-9
191 Hammarstrom A. Why feminism in public health?. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 1999 27:4 241-4
192 Hammarstrom A, Janlert U. Nervous and depressive symptoms in a longitudinal study of youth unemployment - Selection or exposure?. JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENCE 1997 20:3 293-305
193 Hammarstrom A, Janlert U. Unemployment and sexual risk-taking among adolescents. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL MEDICINE 1997 25:4 266-70


1 Aronsson G, Theorell T, Grape T, Hammarström A, Hogstedt C, Marteinsdottir I, Skoog I, Träskman-Bendz L, Hall C. A systematic review including meta-analysis of work environment and burnout symptoms. BMC public health 2017 17:1 264-
2 Theorell T, Hammarström A, Aronsson G, Träskman Bendz L, Grape T, Hogstedt C, Marteinsdottir I, Skoog I, Hall C. A systematic review including meta-analysis of work environment and depressive symptoms. BMC public health 2015 15: 738-
3 Norstrom F, Virtanen P, Hammarstrom A, Gustafsson PE, Janlert U. How does unemployment affect self-assessed health? A systematic review focusing on subgroup effects. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 2014 14: 1310-
4 Brannlund A, Hammarstrom A, Strandh M. Education and health-behaviour among men and women in Sweden: A 27-year prospective cohort study. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2013 41:3 284-92
5 Hammarström A. [Medicine has much to learn from gender studies]. Lakartidningen 2001 98:11 1222-7

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6 Ronnberg AKM, Hammarstrom A. Barriers within the health care system to dealing with sexualized violence:: a literature review. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2000 28:3 222-9


1 Hammarström A. Commentary on Bishop & Almquist : Beyond a descriptive life-course epidemiology. Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2021 116:3 641-642

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